How to Work with Golang Packages and Modules

I haven't used Go often enough to ever remember how to deal with packages and modules. Hopefully writing it down helps:                  

The files in a folder make up one package, they should all have the same package declaration at the top: package main. The root package is always called "main".

Files in a package can access everything declared in that same package without having to import it.

Initializing a project as a module makes importing things from nested packages easy. Do so with go mod init modulename where modulename is the url of the repo where the module is hosted, eg.

Folders inside the module represent other packages. These can be imported by their absolute name, eg. import (p "modulename/packagename"

Packages can be nested: The code in a file at modulename/packagename/nestedpackagename/some_file.go with its first line as package nestedpackagename can be accessed via import(np "modulename/packagename/nestedpackagename")

Things inside a package with names that start with a capital letter can be accessed from outside the package. For example, if the following file exists as modulename/packagename/constants.go:

package packagename

Pi := 3.1416
e := 2.7183

Then the following can be done in main.go:

package main

  np ""

// works:

// does not work:
// fmt.Println(np.e)

Packages are stateful. If a global variable in a package is changed somewhere, it will appear changed everywhere in the app. Global mutable state is bad.

In summary:

  • Initialize a project as a module: go mod init <module-name>
  • Files in one package don’t need to import one another
  • Packages can contain packages
  • Import packages using their fully qualified name: import (p "modulename>/packagename"
  • Avoid global variables